
大概不知道能放到哪的一些碎碎念的东西… (超小声(

也许放到blog里确实不错, 但还是不好意思往blog里灌这种水… >< (超小声(

5 个赞

(从作业里截的, 并没有什么意义 (超小声(

这种小旗子表示的证明序列可以用 flagderiv 包来排版, 应该也是flagderiv环境, 具体文档反正ctan上也有, 就不copy过来了 (超小声(

3 个赞

(\mathbb{N}, 0, \text{suc}) be initial of a category

Let’s write out the type of object first:

module prob-3-1-2 where
  open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid; Rel; IsEquivalence)
  open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong)
  open Level renaming (zero to lzero; suc to lsuc)
  open import Data.Nat using (ℕ)
  open import Categories.Object.Initial using (IsInitial)
  open import Function using (id; _∘_)

  record Object {ℓ} : Set (lsuc ℓ) where
      Ty : Set ℓ
      init : Ty
      succ : Ty → Ty

To proof our problem, we need to construct the arrow, and prove that the object is an initial.
Simply a function can fit the properties of an arrow in the category well:

  record Arrow {ℓ} (A B : Object {ℓ}) : Set (lsuc ℓ) where
    module A = Object A
    module B = Object B

      fn : A.Ty → B.Ty

But with only the function, it’s obvious that the arrow from (\mathbb{N}, 0, \text{suc}) is not unique,
since, for example, for set \{0, 1, 2\}, there are infinite functions.
The uniqueness can be ensured by the following properties:

      intro : fn A.init ≡ B.init
      keep : ∀ {a} → fn (A.succ a) ≡ B.succ (fn a)

With extensionality, we can see that this makes a category.
The equality proof in the arrows may differ, so they’re not counted in the equivalence:

  cat : ∀ {ℓ} → Category (lsuc ℓ) (lsuc ℓ) ℓ
  cat {ℓ} = record
              { Obj = Object {ℓ}
              ; _⇒_ = Arrow
              ; _≈_ = _≈_
              ; id = record { fn = id ; intro = refl ; keep = refl }
              ; _∘_ = compose
              ; assoc = refl
              ; sym-assoc = refl
              ; identityˡ = refl
              ; identityʳ = refl
              ; identity² = refl
              ; equiv = record { refl = refl ; sym = λ f≡g → sym f≡g ; trans = λ f≡g g≡h → trans f≡g g≡h }
              ; ∘-resp-≈ = λ {A} {B} {C} {f} {h} {g} {i} → ∘-resp-≈ {A} {B} {C} {f} {h} {g} {i}
    _≈_ : ∀ {A B : Object {ℓ}} → Rel (Arrow A B) ℓ
    _≈_ f g = Arrow.fn f ≡ Arrow.fn g
    compose : {A B C : Object} → Arrow B C → Arrow A B → Arrow A C
    compose g f = record
                    { fn = g.fn ∘ f.fn
                    ; intro = trans (cong g.fn f.intro) g.intro
                    ; keep = trans (cong g.fn f.keep) g.keep
      module g = Arrow g
      module f = Arrow f
    ∘-resp-≈ : ∀ {A B C : Object} {f h : Arrow B C} {g i : Arrow A B} →
               f ≈ h → g ≈ i → compose f g ≈ compose h i
    ∘-resp-≈ refl refl = refl
  module cat {ℓ} = Category (cat {ℓ})

The construction of the arrows is canonical, and with extensionality, we can show that the object is initial:

  obj : Object
  obj = record { Ty = ℕ ; init = 0 ; succ = ℕ.suc }
  module obj = Object obj

    extensionality : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} {f g : A → B} → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g

  init : IsInitial cat obj
  init = record { ! = arr ; !-unique = λ f → extensionality (uniq f) }
    fn : ∀ (a : Object) → ℕ → Object.Ty a
    fn record { init = init } ℕ.zero = init
    fn a@(record { succ = succ }) (ℕ.suc i) = succ (fn a i)
    arr : {a : Object} → Arrow obj a
    arr {a} = record { fn = fn a ; intro = refl ; keep = refl }
    uniq : ∀ {a : Object} (f : Arrow obj a) → ∀ x → fn a x ≡ Arrow.fn f x
    uniq {record { init = .(f 0) }} record { fn = f ; intro = refl } ℕ.zero = refl
    uniq {record { succ = succ }} f@(record { keep = keep }) (ℕ.suc x) = trans (cong succ (uniq f x)) (sym (keep {x}))
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