(请求一个数学tag x (超小声(
这是从senioria的blog里转来的一点用agda做犯愁论习题的碎碎念… x x (超小声(
很零碎而且很不成体系警告… x x (超小声(
(反正也没人看 x (超小声(
代码确实很一次性… qaq… 不过毕竟确实是一次性代码, 所以… x x (超小声(缩成球(
module chap-1-3 where
open import Categories.Category using (Category)
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (NaturalTransformation; ntHelper)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (NaturalIsomorphism; niHelper)
open import Categories.Morphism using (Iso; IsIso)
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Level
open import Data.Product using (Σ-syntax; proj₁; proj₂; _×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
private variable
l-o l-l l-e : Level
1.3.26: Lemma 1.3.11
module lemma-1-3-11 {A B : Category l-o l-l l-e} {F G : Functor A B} where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
module NI = NaturalIsomorphism
module NT = NaturalTransformation
cis : ∀ (α : NaturalIsomorphism F G) → ∀ {a : A.Obj} → (IsIso B (NT.η (NI.F⇒G α) a))
cis α {a} = record
{ inv = NT.η α.F⇐G a
; iso = α.iso a
module α = NaturalIsomorphism α
trans : ∀ (α : NaturalTransformation F G) → (∀ {a : A.Obj} → IsIso B (NT.η α a)) → NaturalIsomorphism F G
trans α iso = record
{ F⇒G = α
; F⇐G = ntHelper
{ η = λ a → iso.inv
; commute = commute
; iso = λ a → iso.iso
module iso {a} = IsIso (iso {a})
module α = NaturalTransformation α
open Category B
open Category.HomReasoning B
open MR B
commute : ∀ {a b : A.Obj} (f : a A.⇒ b) → iso.inv ∘ G.F₁ f ≈ F.F₁ f ∘ iso.inv
commute {a} {b} f =
begin iso.inv ∘ G.F₁ f ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ cancelʳ (Iso.isoʳ iso.iso) ⟩
iso.inv ∘ (G.F₁ f ∘ α.η a) ∘ iso.inv ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ α.commute f ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
iso.inv ∘ ((α.η b ∘ F.F₁ f) ∘ iso.inv) ≈⟨ sym-assoc ⟩
(iso.inv ∘ (α.η b ∘ F.F₁ f)) ∘ iso.inv ≈⟨ cancelˡ (Iso.isoˡ iso.iso) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
F.F₁ f ∘ iso.inv ∎
1.3.32: equivalence functor iff faithful, full, and essentially surjective
不能摆烂了好可恶 x (超小声(被打死(((((
module prop-1-3-18 where
open Categories.Functor renaming (id to f-id)
import Function
record Equivalence {l-a l-b l-c} {A B : Category l-a l-b l-c} (F : Functor A B) : Set (l-a ⊔ l-b ⊔ l-c) where
G : Functor B A
G∘F : NaturalIsomorphism (G ∘F F) f-id
F∘G : NaturalIsomorphism (F ∘F G) f-id
module G∘F = NaturalIsomorphism G∘F
module F∘G = NaturalIsomorphism F∘G
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
module cis-faithful {A B : Category l-o l-l l-e} {F : Functor A B} where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
open A
open A.HomReasoning
open MR A
cis-faithful : Equivalence F → ∀ {a b : A.Obj} {f g : a A.⇒ b} → F.₁ f B.≈ F.₁ g → f A.≈ g
cis-faithful record { G = G ; G∘F = G∘F ; F∘G = F∘G } {a} {b} {f} {g} f≈g =
begin f ≈˘⟨ cancelʳ (Iso.isoʳ (G∘F.iso a)) ⟩
(f ∘ G∘F.⇒.η a) ∘ G∘F.⇐.η a ≈˘⟨ G∘F.⇒.commute f ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(G∘F.⇒.η b ∘ G.F₁ (F.₁ f)) ∘ G∘F.⇐.η a ≈⟨ assoc ⟩
G∘F.⇒.η b ∘ ((G.F₁ (F.₁ f)) ∘ G∘F.⇐.η a) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ G∘F-f≈g ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G∘F.⇒.η b ∘ ((G.F₁ (F.₁ g)) ∘ G∘F.⇐.η a) ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ G∘F.⇐.commute g ⟩
G∘F.⇒.η b ∘ (G∘F.⇐.η b ∘ g) ≈⟨ cancelˡ (Iso.isoʳ (G∘F.iso b)) ⟩
g ∎
module G = Functor G
module G∘F = NaturalIsomorphism G∘F
G∘F-f≈g : G.₁ (F.₁ f) ≈ G.₁ (F.₁ g)
G∘F-f≈g = G.F-resp-≈ f≈g
open cis-faithful using (cis-faithful)
module cis-full {A B : Category l-o l-l l-e} {F : Functor A B} where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
open A using (_⇒_; _≈_; _∘_; assoc)
open A.HomReasoning
open MR A
cis-full : Equivalence F → ∀ {a b : A.Obj} {g : F.F₀ a B.⇒ F.F₀ b} → Σ[ f ∈ a A.⇒ b ] F.F₁ f B.≈ g
cis-full record { G = G ; G∘F = G∘F ; F∘G = F∘G } {a} {b} {g} =
⟨ f , cis-faithful (record { G = F ; G∘F = F∘G ; F∘G = G∘F }) G∘F/f≈G/g ⟩
module G = Functor G
module G∘F = NaturalIsomorphism G∘F
module F∘G = NaturalIsomorphism F∘G
f : a A.⇒ b
f = G∘F.⇒.η b A.∘ G.₁ g A.∘ G∘F.⇐.η a
G∘F/f≈G/g : G.₁ (F.₁ f) A.≈ G.₁ g
G∘F/f≈G/g =
begin G.₁ (F.₁ f) ≈˘⟨ cancelˡ (Iso.isoˡ (G∘F.iso b)) ⟩
G∘F.⇐.η b ∘ G∘F.⇒.η b ∘ G.₁ (F.₁ f) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ G∘F.⇒.commute f ⟩
G∘F.⇐.η b ∘ f ∘ G∘F.⇒.η a ≈⟨ A.Equiv.refl ⟩
G∘F.⇐.η b ∘ ((G∘F.⇒.η b ∘ (G.₁ g ∘ G∘F.⇐.η a)) ∘ G∘F.⇒.η a) ≈˘⟨ assoc ⟩
(G∘F.⇐.η b ∘ (G∘F.⇒.η b ∘ (G.₁ g ∘ G∘F.⇐.η a))) ∘ G∘F.⇒.η a ≈⟨ cancelˡ (Iso.isoˡ (G∘F.iso b)) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(G.₁ g ∘ G∘F.⇐.η a) ∘ G∘F.⇒.η a ≈⟨ cancelʳ (Iso.isoˡ (G∘F.iso a)) ⟩
G.₁ g ∎
open cis-full using (cis-full)
module cis-essen-surj {A B : Category l-o l-l l-e} {F : Functor A B} where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
open A using (_⇒_; _≈_; _∘_; assoc)
open Categories.Morphism B using (_≅_)
cis-essen-surj : Equivalence F → ∀ {a′ : B.Obj} → Σ[ a ∈ A.Obj ] (F.F₀ a ≅ a′)
cis-essen-surj record { G = G ; G∘F = G∘F ; F∘G = F∘G } {a′} =
⟨ G.₀ a′ , record { from = F∘G.⇒.η a′ ; to = F∘G.⇐.η a′ ; iso = F∘G.iso a′ } ⟩
module G = Functor G
module G∘F = NaturalIsomorphism G∘F
module F∘G = NaturalIsomorphism F∘G
open cis-essen-surj using (cis-essen-surj)
record trans {l-a l-b l-c} {A B : Category l-a l-b l-c} {F : Functor A B} : Set (l-a ⊔ l-b ⊔ l-c) where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
open Categories.Morphism B using (_≅_)
faithful : ∀ {a b : A.Obj} {f g : a A.⇒ b} → F.₁ f B.≈ F.₁ g → f A.≈ g
full : ∀ {a b : A.Obj} {g : F.F₀ a B.⇒ F.F₀ b} → Σ[ f ∈ a A.⇒ b ] F.F₁ f B.≈ g
essen-surj : ∀ {a′ : B.Obj} → Σ[ a ∈ A.Obj ] (F.F₀ a ≅ a′)
G₀ : ∀ (a′ : B.Obj) → A.Obj
G₀ a′ = proj₁ (essen-surj {a′})
G₀-iso : ∀ {a′ : B.Obj} → F.₀ (G₀ a′) ≅ a′
G₀-iso {a′} = proj₂ (essen-surj {a′})
module G₀-iso {a′} = _≅_ (G₀-iso {a′})
G₁ : ∀ {a′ b′} → a′ B.⇒ b′ → G₀ a′ A.⇒ G₀ b′
G₁ {a′} {b′} f′ = proj₁ (full {g = G₀-iso.to B.∘ f′ B.∘ G₀-iso.from})
G₁-iso : ∀ {a′ b′} {f′ : a′ B.⇒ b′} → F.₁ (G₁ f′) B.≈ G₀-iso.to B.∘ f′ B.∘ G₀-iso.from
G₁-iso {a′} {b′} {f′} = proj₂ (full)
G : Functor B A
G = record
{ F₀ = G₀
; F₁ = G₁
; identity = faithful identity
; homomorphism = faithful homomorphism
; F-resp-≈ = λ f≈g → faithful (resp-≈ f≈g)
open Category B
open B.HomReasoning
open MR B
identity : ∀ {a′} → F.₁ (G₁ {a′} B.id) B.≈ F.₁ A.id
identity {a′} =
begin F.₁ (G₁ B.id) ≈⟨ G₁-iso ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ B.id ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ lemma-binid ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (G₀-iso.from ∘ B.id ∘ G₀-iso.to) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ F.identity ⟩∘⟨refl) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (G₀-iso.from ∘ F.₁ A.id ∘ G₀-iso.to) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈⟨ sym-assoc ⟩
(G₀-iso.to ∘ (G₀-iso.from ∘ F.₁ A.id ∘ G₀-iso.to)) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈⟨ cancelˡ (Iso.isoˡ G₀-iso.iso) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(F.₁ A.id ∘ G₀-iso.to) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈⟨ cancelʳ (Iso.isoˡ G₀-iso.iso) ⟩
F.₁ A.id ∎
lemma-binid : G₀-iso.from ∘ B.id ∘ G₀-iso.to ≈ B.id
lemma-binid =
begin G₀-iso.from ∘ B.id ∘ G₀-iso.to ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ B.identityˡ ⟩
G₀-iso.from ∘ G₀-iso.to ≈⟨ Iso.isoʳ G₀-iso.iso ⟩
B.id ∎
homomorphism : ∀ {a′ b′ c′} {f : a′ B.⇒ b′} {g : b′ B.⇒ c′} → F.₁ (G₁ (g B.∘ f)) B.≈ F.₁ (G₁ g A.∘ G₁ f)
homomorphism {f = f} {g} =
begin F.₁ (G₁ (g ∘ f)) ≈⟨ G₁-iso ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (g ∘ f) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ B.identityˡ) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (g ∘ id ∘ f) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ Iso.isoʳ G₀-iso.iso ⟩∘⟨refl) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (g ∘ (G₀-iso.from ∘ G₀-iso.to) ∘ f) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ assoc) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (g ∘ (G₀-iso.from ∘ (G₀-iso.to ∘ f))) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ sym-assoc ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ ((g ∘ G₀-iso.from) ∘ (G₀-iso.to ∘ f)) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ assoc ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (g ∘ G₀-iso.from) ∘ (G₀-iso.to ∘ f) ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ assoc ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (g ∘ G₀-iso.from) ∘ (G₀-iso.to ∘ f ∘ G₀-iso.from) ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ G₁-iso ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ (g ∘ G₀-iso.from) ∘ F.₁ (G₁ f) ≈⟨ sym-assoc ⟩
(G₀-iso.to ∘ (g ∘ G₀-iso.from)) ∘ F.₁ (G₁ f) ≈˘⟨ G₁-iso ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
F.₁ (G₁ g) ∘ F.₁ (G₁ f) ≈˘⟨ F.homomorphism ⟩
F.₁ (G₁ g A.∘ G₁ f) ∎
resp-≈ : ∀ {a′ b′} {f g : a′ B.⇒ b′} → f ≈ g → F.₁ (G₁ f) ≈ F.₁ (G₁ g)
resp-≈ {f = f} {g} f≈g =
begin F.₁ (G₁ f) ≈⟨ G₁-iso ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ f ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ f≈g ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G₀-iso.to ∘ g ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈˘⟨ G₁-iso ⟩
F.₁ (G₁ g) ∎
F∘G-id : NaturalIsomorphism (F ∘F G) f-id
F∘G-id = niHelper (record
{ η = λ a → G₀-iso.from
; η⁻¹ = λ a → G₀-iso.to
; commute = commute
; iso = λ a → G₀-iso.iso
open Category B
open B.HomReasoning
open MR B
commute : ∀ {a b} (f : a B.⇒ b) → G₀-iso.from ∘ F.₁ (G₁ f) ≈ f ∘ G₀-iso.from
commute f =
begin G₀-iso.from ∘ F.₁ (G₁ f) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ G₁-iso ⟩
G₀-iso.from ∘ (G₀-iso.to ∘ f ∘ G₀-iso.from) ≈⟨ cancelˡ (Iso.isoʳ G₀-iso.iso) ⟩
f ∘ G₀-iso.from ∎
module F∘G-id = NaturalIsomorphism F∘G-id
G∘F-id : NaturalIsomorphism (G ∘F F) f-id
G∘F-id = niHelper (record
{ η = λ a → proj₁ (full {g = G₀-iso.from})
; η⁻¹ = λ a → proj₁ (full {g = G₀-iso.to})
; commute = λ f → faithful commute
; iso = λ a → record { isoˡ = faithful (iso G₀-iso.isoˡ) ; isoʳ = faithful (iso G₀-iso.isoʳ) }
open Category B
open B.HomReasoning
open MR B
module G = Functor G
commute : ∀ {a b} {f : a A.⇒ b} → F.₁ (proj₁ full A.∘ G.₁ (F.₁ f)) ≈ F.₁ (f A.∘ proj₁ full)
commute {a} {b} {f = f} =
begin F.₁ (proj₁ full A.∘ G.₁ (F.₁ f)) ≈⟨ F.homomorphism ⟩
F.₁ (proj₁ full) ∘ F.₁ (G.₁ (F.₁ f)) ≈⟨ proj₂ full ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
G₀-iso.from ∘ F.₁ (G.₁ (F.₁ f)) ≈⟨ F∘G-id.⇒.commute (F.₁ f) ⟩
F.₁ f ∘ G₀-iso.from ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ proj₂ full ⟩
F.₁ f ∘ F.₁ (proj₁ full) ≈˘⟨ F.homomorphism ⟩
F.₁ (f A.∘ proj₁ full) ∎
iso : ∀ {a b} {f : F.₀ a B.⇒ F.₀ b} {g : F.₀ b B.⇒ F.₀ a} → g ∘ f ≈ B.id
→ F.₁ (proj₁ (full {g = g}) A.∘ proj₁ (full {g = f})) ≈ F.₁ (A.id {a})
iso {f = f} {g = g} g∘f≈id =
begin F.₁ (proj₁ full A.∘ proj₁ full) ≈⟨ F.homomorphism ⟩
F.₁ (proj₁ full) ∘ F.₁ (proj₁ full) ≈⟨ proj₂ full ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
g ∘ F.₁ (proj₁ full) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ proj₂ full ⟩
g ∘ f ≈⟨ g∘f≈id ⟩
B.id ≈˘⟨ F.identity ⟩
F.₁ A.id ∎
1.3.34: category equivalence is equivalence relation
(这个在库里其实有, 而且代码确实挺简单的… (超小声(
因为口胡出来比较容易所以咕咕了 (!) x (超小声(被打死((((((
(The Rest)
因为懒得找记号所以咕咕了… >< (超小声(缩成球(
module chap-2-1 where
open import Categories.Category using (Category)
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor)
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Level
open import Data.Product using (Σ-syntax; proj₁; proj₂; _×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
private variable
l-o l-l l-e : Level
Adjoints in the library is defined in a different way as the book,
with the naturality between objects.
Due to Senioriae lack to essential knowledge, to avoid cyclic proof,
and to agree with the definition in the book,
we define adjoints in another way, focusing on the naturality between arrows.
record Adjoint {A B : Category l-o l-l l-e} (F : Functor A B) (G : Functor B A)
: Set (l-o ⊔ l-l ⊔ l-e) where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
A⇒B : ∀ {a b} → a A.⇒ G.₀ b → F.₀ a B.⇒ b
B⇒A : ∀ {a b} → F.₀ a B.⇒ b → a A.⇒ G.₀ b
inv-A : ∀ {a b} {f : a A.⇒ G.₀ b} → B⇒A (A⇒B f) A.≈ f
inv-B : ∀ {a b} {f : F.₀ a B.⇒ b} → A⇒B (B⇒A f) B.≈ f
A⇒B-distrib : ∀ {a b c} {f : a A.⇒ b} {g : b A.⇒ G.₀ c} → A⇒B (g A.∘ f) B.≈ A⇒B g B.∘ F.₁ f
B⇒A-distrib : ∀ {a b c} {f : F.₀ a B.⇒ b} {g : b B.⇒ c} → B⇒A (g B.∘ f) A.≈ G.₁ g A.∘ B⇒A f
A⇒B-resp-≈ : ∀ {a b} {f g : a A.⇒ G.₀ b} → f A.≈ g → A⇒B f B.≈ A⇒B g
B⇒A-resp-≈ : ∀ {a b} {f g : F.₀ a B.⇒ b} → f B.≈ g → B⇒A f A.≈ B⇒A g
2.1.15: preservation of left and right adjoints
Before we discuss the properties of initials and terminals,
again, we should define them.
The definitions are quite trivial and clear.
record Initial {A : Category l-l l-o l-e} (i : Category.Obj A) : Set (l-l ⊔ l-o ⊔ l-e) where
open Category A
map : ∀ (a : Obj) → i ⇒ a
uniq : ∀ {a} {f g : i ⇒ a} → f ≈ g
record Terminal {A : Category l-l l-o l-e} (t : Category.Obj A) : Set (l-l ⊔ l-o ⊔ l-e) where
open Category A
map : ∀ (a : Obj) → a ⇒ t
uniq : ∀ {a} {f g : a ⇒ t} → f ≈ g
The proof to the initials:
module prob-2-1-15 {A B : Category l-l l-o l-e} {F : Functor A B} {G : Functor B A} where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
resp-init : Adjoint F G → ∀ {i} → Initial {A = A} i → Initial {A = B} (F.₀ i)
resp-init adj init = record
{ map = λ a → adj.A⇒B (init.map (G.₀ a))
; uniq = λ {a} {f} {g} → begin
f ≈˘⟨ adj.inv-B ⟩
adj.A⇒B (adj.B⇒A f) ≈⟨ adj.A⇒B-resp-≈ init.uniq ⟩
adj.A⇒B (adj.B⇒A g) ≈⟨ adj.inv-B ⟩
g ∎
module adj = Adjoint adj
module init = Initial init
open MR B
open B.HomReasoning
The proof to the terminals is similar:
resp-term : Adjoint F G → ∀ {t} → Terminal {A = B} t → Terminal {A = A} (G.₀ t)
resp-term adj term = record
{ map = λ a → adj.B⇒A (term.map (F.₀ a))
; uniq = λ {a} {f} {g} → begin
f ≈˘⟨ adj.inv-A ⟩
adj.B⇒A (adj.A⇒B f) ≈⟨ adj.B⇒A-resp-≈ term.uniq ⟩
adj.B⇒A (adj.A⇒B g) ≈⟨ adj.inv-A ⟩
g ∎
module adj = Adjoint adj
module term = Terminal term
open MR A
open A.HomReasoning
title: 2.2 Adjunctions via units and counits
This chapter is kinda ease since adjunctions in the library
are defined with units and counits.
module chap-2-2 where
open import Categories.Category using (Category)
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor; _∘F_) renaming (id to F-id)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (NaturalTransformation)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (NaturalIsomorphism; niHelper; IsNI)
import Categories.Morphism as Morphism
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Level
open import Data.Product using (Σ-syntax; proj₁; proj₂; _×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Categories.Adjoint using (Adjoint)
open import Categories.Category.SubCategory using (FullSubCategory; SubCat)
private variable
l-o l-l l-e : Level
2.2.11: Equivalence on full subcategories definied by η_A
Senioria don’t know how to qualify the object set of A to its subset
fulfilling the condition, so the formal proof is omitted ;;><;;
module prob-2-2-11 {A B : Category l-o l-l l-e} {F : Functor A B} {G : Functor B A}
{adj : Adjoint F G} where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
module adj = Adjoint adj
-- TODO: ??
2.2.12: Right adjoint is full and faithful iff counit is isomorphism
module prob-2-2-12 {A B : Category l-o l-l l-e} {F : Functor A B} {G : Functor B A}
{adj : Adjoint F G} where
record LHS {A B : Category l-o l-l l-e} (F : Functor A B) : Set (l-o ⊔ l-l ⊔ l-e) where
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
faithful : ∀ {a b : A.Obj} {f g : a A.⇒ b} → F.₁ f B.≈ F.₁ g → f A.≈ g
full : ∀ {a b : A.Obj} {g : F.₀ a B.⇒ F.₀ b} → Σ[ f ∈ a A.⇒ b ] F.₁ f B.≈ g
module A = Category A
module B = Category B
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
module adj = Adjoint adj
cis : LHS G → NaturalIsomorphism (F ∘F G) F-id
cis (record { faithful = faithful ; full = full }) = niHelper (record
{ η = adj.counit.η
; η⁻¹ = η⁻¹
; commute = adj.counit.commute
; iso = λ a → record
{ isoˡ = isoˡ
; isoʳ = faithful isoʳ
η⁻¹ : ∀ (a : B.Obj) → a B.⇒ F.₀ (G.₀ a)
η⁻¹ a = proj₁ (full {g = adj.unit.η (G.₀ a)})
isoˡ : ∀ {a} → η⁻¹ a B.∘ adj.counit.η a B.≈ B.id
isoˡ {a} = begin
η⁻¹ a ∘ adj.counit.η a ≈˘⟨ adj.counit.commute (η⁻¹ a) ⟩
adj.counit.η (F.₀ (G.₀ a)) ∘ F.₁ (G.₁ (η⁻¹ a)) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ F.F-resp-≈ (proj₂ full) ⟩
adj.counit.η (F.₀ (G.₀ a)) ∘ F.₁ (adj.unit.η (G.₀ a)) ≈⟨ adj.zig ⟩
B.id ∎
open B
open MR B
open B.HomReasoning
isoʳ : ∀ {a} → G.₁ (adj.counit.η a B.∘ η⁻¹ a) A.≈ G.₁ B.id
isoʳ {a} = begin
G.₁ (adj.counit.η a B.∘ η⁻¹ a) ≈⟨ G.homomorphism ⟩
G.₁ (adj.counit.η a) ∘ G.₁ (η⁻¹ a) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ proj₂ full ⟩
G.₁ (adj.counit.η a) ∘ adj.unit.η (G.₀ a) ≈⟨ adj.zag ⟩
A.id ≈˘⟨ G.identity ⟩
G.₁ B.id ∎
open A
open MR A
open A.HomReasoning
trans : IsNI adj.counit → LHS G
trans ni = record
{ faithful = faithful
; full = full
module ni = IsNI ni
module unit = adj.unit
module counit = adj.counit
module counit⁻¹ = NaturalTransformation ni.F⇐G
module iso {a} = Morphism.Iso (ni.iso a)
faithful : ∀ {a b} {f g : a B.⇒ b} → G.₁ f A.≈ G.₁ g → f B.≈ g
faithful {a} {b} {f} {g} Gf≈g = begin
f ≈˘⟨ cancelʳ iso.isoʳ ⟩
(f ∘ counit.η a) ∘ counit⁻¹.η a ≈˘⟨ counit.commute f ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(counit.η b ∘ F.₁ (G.₁ f)) ∘ counit⁻¹.η a ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ F.F-resp-≈ Gf≈g) ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(counit.η b ∘ F.₁ (G.₁ g)) ∘ counit⁻¹.η a ≈⟨ counit.commute g ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(g ∘ counit.η a) ∘ counit⁻¹.η a ≈⟨ cancelʳ iso.isoʳ ⟩
g ∎
open B
open MR B
open B.HomReasoning
full : ∀ {a b} {g : G.₀ a A.⇒ G.₀ b} → Σ[ f ∈ a B.⇒ b ] G.₁ f A.≈ g
full {a} {b} {g} = ⟨ f , f≈g ⟩
f : a B.⇒ b
f = counit.η b B.∘ F.₁ g B.∘ counit⁻¹.η a
f≈g : G.₁ f A.≈ g
f≈g = begin
G.₁ f ≈⟨ G.homomorphism ⟩
G.₁ (counit.η b) ∘ G.₁ (F.₁ g B.∘ counit⁻¹.η a) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ G.homomorphism ⟩
G.₁ (counit.η b) ∘ G.₁ (F.₁ g) ∘ G.₁ (counit⁻¹.η a) ≈˘⟨ A.assoc ⟩
(G.₁ (counit.η b) ∘ G.₁ (F.₁ g)) ∘ G.₁ (counit⁻¹.η a) ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ cancelʳ adj.zag ⟩
(G.₁ (counit.η b) ∘ G.₁ (F.₁ g)) ∘ (G.₁ (counit⁻¹.η a) ∘ G.₁ (counit.η a)) ∘ unit.η (G.₀ a)
≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ elimˡ (A.Equiv.sym G.homomorphism ○ G.F-resp-≈ iso.isoˡ ○ G.identity) ⟩
(G.₁ (counit.η b) ∘ G.₁ (F.₁ g)) ∘ unit.η (G.₀ a) ≈⟨ A.assoc ⟩
G.₁ (counit.η b) ∘ G.₁ (F.₁ g) ∘ unit.η (G.₀ a) ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ unit.commute g ⟩
G.₁ (counit.η b) ∘ unit.η (G.₀ b) ∘ g ≈⟨ cancelˡ adj.zag ⟩
g ∎
open A
open MR A
open A.HomReasoning
(The rest)
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